Posts Tagged ‘DIY’

DIY Drawers Organizer

Organizer-How-ToHey, hey, hey, it’s time for another Transformation Tuesday. This time, it’s with a super-cheap four drawer organizer that I got at the swap meet for $1. $1! Awesome, right? It definitely has a cool oriental feel to it, but I wanted it to be a room organizer to go in the yellow and grey bedroom, so it had to be remade.

DIY Jewelry Organizer

I got this IKEA Ung Drill frame awhile ago, but I had no idea what to do with it. It’s such a nice frame and it’s so pretty, I was afraid to do anything with it. I finally decided to make it into an organizer for my jewelry. (more…)

DIY Smash Book


I’ve been seeing these “mixed media journals” AKA SMASH books everywhere – they have them at the craft store, in blog posts – everyone has one, but no one can really explain what it is. I guess it’s like a scrapbook but not necessarily with photos. You can stick magazine clippings, concert tickets, maps, brochures – whatever you want in it. (more…)

DIY Reusable Check List

Roscoe-Dog-ListI have a semi-long story about a really fast project I made for my dogs. I have two pug dogs: Petey and Roscoe. Petey is a year and a half and Roscoe is seven years old. We got both of them from dog rescues last year.

DIY Fascinators

Hey everybody, I had the opportunity to go to a “Mad Hatter” party last week, and I learned how to make this amazing fascinator. If you don’t know what a fascinator is, it’s like a little hat that attaches onto your head with a headband – the kind that Kate Middleton and her ilk might wear. (more…)

DIY Craft Organization Drawers

If you’re like me, you probably have a very scary closet stuffed with all of your crafts supplies. Well, I decided to do a little organizing of the craft supplies, and I found the perfect thing for it. Well, almost perfect… (more…)

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