August 2017 archive

DIY Melted Crayon Art

This DIY motorcycle melted crayon art is fun and easy to make- perfect for the motorcycle rider in your life!


Way back, a long time ago (as in like, 2012), when this DIY blog was just a baby, I made some DIY melted crayon art, and I shared it on the blog. It’s actually probably one of my favorite DIY crafts that I’ve ever made. I put it in my daughter’s room, and I hope that all the different colors perk her imagination. Later down the road, once she knows how to read, I hope the “Create” inspires her to follow her dreams. The DIY crayon art is also a favorite of a friend of mine. In my old house, the “Create” art was in a more prominent area, and every time he came over, he would comment on how much he loved it. (more…)